Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"I hate all duty days."

Tuesday, May 12, 1992
     Elizabeth is doing better with her sinus infection but she sure has been grumpy. She's been taking good naps and sleeping all night, once she goes to sleep. Sometimes we have to rock or walk her completely to sleep. Yesterday's the only morning she's had a lot of gook in her eyes when she woke up. We're still using the eye drops but I've been putting one in each eye instead of two.
     I've been having a really hard time with wheezing and not being able to get anything up the past few days. But today I've been coughing up a lot of stuff and it's been pretty thick. I called yesterday & got an appt. next month with my new pulmonary dr., Dr. O'Neil. I was surprised that he answered the phone. I hope we'll get along well.
     I forgot to mention that Ez. was a handful at church Sun. morning. She wouldn't take a nap. She didn't want to play with anything I'd brought. I tried taking her for a walk but there were too many people roaming the hall. I took her outside but the sun was too bright & the traffic too noisy. I tried going into an empty classroom but hers was the only one empty & she just wanted to look around. So I decided to take her to the nursery. There were about five different babies in there and the people in there were Gary Cruspach & Ryan Bailey. I looked in the toddler room to see who was in there. It was Dinah Croft with her son & Spencer Ferguson. I was desperate enough to ask her if she could watch Ez. for the rest of the service. The sermon was half over by then. I only stayed long enough after church to change her diaper. She fell asleep on the way home & stayed asleep. I stopped at Wendy's to get a hamburger. I was planning to go ahead & take a nap but I couldn't go to sleep so I got up & ate then went to bed. I got maybe an hour of sleep before she woke up. We didn't go to church that night. I really do hate duty Sundays. I hate all duty days.
     Our Olan Mills pictures came Sat. We shouldn't have bought any, just gotten the free one. I hope the Sears ones come out better. We get those tomorrow.

May 1992

Saturday, April 2, 2016

"It's really gross."

Sat., May 9, 1992
     Ez. is doing a lot better. Mine is sort of coming & going these days. Sometimes I cough up a lot of gunk & sometimes I wheeze like crazy & can't get anything up at all. Yesterday and today I've had lots of bright dark green stuff coming out of my nose. It's really gross. Guy says he's doing better but his voice still sounds kind of raw. Hopefully we'll all be well soon.
     This has been a pretty nice Mother's Day Eve. Guy got up with Ez. & let me sleep til 9:00. He brought me breakfast in bed (I had to request it) – just toast & bacon since I was going to a brunch at 10:30. It was for Rosemary Snowden & baby Zack and Ez. went with me. She was all over the place now that she's crawling. She did relatively well though. She fell asleep on the way home (12:30) and slept til 3:30! I was going to take a nap but decided that if I was going to do all the shopping I planned to do, I needed to go ahead. We'd already decided I could have time off today. I went to LeeWards to get some odds & ends stuff for the ABC book I plan to make for Ez. Then I went to a knitting store to see if they could repair my sweater. One I've had since college had two holes in the front of it when I got it out last fall. The lady said the yarn was so fine that her repair lady wouldn't be able to fix it. But she gave me a business card for a place on Mil. Hwy. near Best that she said had a person who does beautiful work & could probably fix it. I didn't take the time to go over there today.
     Next I went to From the Heart, the cross stitch store, to look for something to do for a quilt block. Ann Prescott is planning to make a quilt & is asking everyone from Empty Arms to make a block for it if they want. They didn't have anything I liked for it.
     Then I went to Piece Goods to get some buttons for the sundress I'm making for Ez. & some other stuff for her ABC book. And I found a Precious Moments book with a good picture for the quilt. A little boy angel is standing behind a little gate with Heaven written on it. There's a little girl in front of the gate crying & holding a handkerchief. The boy is pointing to a box by the gate that says 'old hankies'. At the bottom it says 'No tears past the gate.' I hope I can get it done in time. There's not really a time limit – I forget how she said she's going to do it. I didn't think to get any cross stitch fabric though.
     I told Guy I'd like my next day off to be a weekday cause everything's too crowded on Sat.
     We went out to eat at Annabelle's at Pembroke Mall for supper. It was pretty good. I had a sub & Guy had a club sandwich. Ez. had some fries. Guy fed her before we went. For dessert we went down to the Dairy Queen (in the mall) for ice cream cones. When we got home (after watching Star Trek) I got my Mother's Day present. Guy had given me a basket of mixed flowers – beautiful. Tonight I got a card from him & one from Ez. that were both so nice and a Bruce Hornsby tape. Not your typical Mother's Day present, but nice. So I guess it's been a pretty nice day. It sure seemed to go by fast though.

May 9, 1992