Saturday, August 29, 2015

"The mind is such a powerful thing I don't think anyone understands it completely."

Sunday, March 15, 1992
     Yesterday I went to take the Red Cross Infant & Child CPR class. It started at 8:30 & was supposed to last till 3:30. I got there about 20 after. It was a long walk to the front of the building from the parking lot in back. The instructions said to stop at the front desk and ask what room the class was in. There were several people standing around and one of them looked like Ruby Hopper from the back. When she turned around it was Ruby. Her employer paid for her to take the class. The instructor wasn't even there yet and there wasn't any electricity in the building. I was afraid they'd cancel the class. The instructor showed up soon & was a man instead of a woman. I had called a couple of weeks ago to request a separate mannequin because the manual said you could if you had a condition that makes you susceptible to infections. The lady (I thought she said she was the instructor) called last Tues. & said they didn't have any extra ones cause she'd just found out about my request. She said if I wanted to wait a month she'd be sure to have a separate one for me then. I told her I'd been wanting to take this class for months and between the class schedule & Guy's this is the first time it's worked out. She said to let her know before Sat. if I changed my mind.
     Anyway, I passed the course & got a card and a patch. I missed one question on the written test. I forgot that on an infant you have to retilt the head & give two more slow breaths. He wasn't too strict on the skills tests. If you remembered at the end what you had forgotten he didn't make you do it again. What all of us forgot most often was calling for help or calling 911. I'm just afraid of panicking and not remembering how to do anything or doing things in the wrong order & making things worse. I plan to keep the book handy.
     When we stopped for lunch everyone left but me & Ruby. She's really a talker. She started telling me about her multiple personalities! She sees a therapist twice a week. She showed me her journal so I could see how the different ones have different handwriting. I asked her how many there were and she said 100, and that there were seven that have already been integrated back into herself. I didn't know what to say. We finished the class around 1:30 and she wanted me to take her home. I called Guy to let him know. She'd planned to ask someone for a ride to the bus stop on Shore Drive but said it was nice I was there to drive her.
     I told all this stuff to Guy when I got home & he wasn't surprised, knowing Ruby. But he didn't really say whether he believed her or not.
     I took a nap, kind of, when Ez. did. Then we got ready to go to the chili supper for Camp Idlewild. By the time we got there (about 10 min. late) there was hardly anything left but chili. It all had beans in it. The salad was gone, the crackers were gone, there was barely enough tea, plenty of dessert. I couldn't eat the chili without crackers. I ate two brownies. Glen & Mercedes were there & as soon as we walked in the door she took Ez. over, for the whole time. They did the cake auction last & Guy asked if I wanted any of them. I said if he could get one for $10. We'd already planned to donate $10 for the dinner. He was sneaky since he was sitting behind me & bid $18 for the last cake-a German chocolate one. I was so upset with him. He said he'd just give them a check for $18 for the cake and the dinner. I still don't think we need a cake around.
     I asked Dianna Landon if she knew about Ruby & she said she did but pointed out that as long as we've known Ruby we've never seen any of these other personalities. She said Bea Dunbar doesn't believe her. Dianna thinks she got it from reading Sybil. I don't know what to think. The mind is such a powerful thing I don't think anyone understands it completely. We were talking about it on the way home and I said something about her growing up in an orphanage & it not being a "church home" so no telling what happened.