Sunday, May 31, 2015

"I was so upset I cried halfway home."

Wed., February 26, 1992

     Ez. was up & down all night last night. Guy took her part of the time. It was a rough night for everyone. She had a runny nose when she woke up this morning. I've been giving her Dimetapp but no change so far. It'll probably be another rough night.
     This morning we went to Cathy Rudolph's for a Multiples party. It's knit cotton/polyester clothes you can mix & match. I didn't get anything–too expensive. I rocked Ez. to sleep on my lamp and Cathy put a blanket in the floor in her room but as soon as I laid her down she woke up. So I took her back out to the den & rocked her again & just kept rocking. She slept for about 30 min.
     Guy was home when we got back. He fixed me lunch after he finished his & fed Ez. then put her down for a nap. I took a nap too. He watched a tape.
     I slept longer than she did. I'd hoped to have a nice relaxing evening. I forgot about our meetings. He volunteered to work on the architectural control committee so he had to go down to the clubhouse for that. I was supposed to go to the ship's spouses club meeting and was taking Ez. with me. But I couldn't find the place it was supposed to be so I came back home. I drove all around looking for it. The place that I remembered meeting at before when he was stationed there is now a day care. I was so upset I cried halfway home. Ez. fell asleep on the way home. When we came by the clubhouse I saw Guy's truck was still there. I saw someone putting on their jacket as they were coming out the door & thought it was Guy. I figured he'd be home soon after we were but he didn't come & didn't come. I looked for the number at the clubhouse and called but only got the answering machine. So I went back down there. I had to bundle Ez. up again (she woke up when we got home & stayed awake). I was afraid that Guy had gone on over to the base instead of checking to see if I was home first because he thought I surely wouldn't be home so soon. But he was still there. I guess I could've just come on home when I saw his truck there but I went in with Ez. & told him what had happened. At least I wasn't crying by then.
     Ez. went to bed around 8:15. Guy got home about 9:00 and I had to give him a haircut. She's been really restless but has gone back to sleep whenever she gets her pacifier back. I can tell her nose is kind of stuffed up. She probably spits her pacifier out cause it's hard to breath with it. I hope the Dimetapp clears this up & she doesn't get another sinus infection or anything else. I'm staying up to see the lottery numbers or I'd have gone to sleep when Guy did.